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Validating RDF data

Authors’ Biographies

Jose Emilio Labra Gayo

Jose Emilio Labra Gayo is an Associate Professor at the University of Oviedo, Spain. He is the founder and main researcher of WESO (Web Semantics Oviedo) research group, which collaborates with different companies around the world applying semantic web technologies. The development of data portals for several companies and public administrations led to his interest in RDF validation. He is a member of the W3C Data Shapes working group and of three W3C community groups—Shape Expressions, SHACL, and RAX (RDF and XML interoperability)—as well as the Chairman of the Best practices of Multilingual Linked Open Data community group. He implemented the SHACL and ShEx library Shaclex and maintains an online RDF validator service and has also written an introductory book about the Semantic Web in Spanish [54].

Eric Prud’hommeaux

Eric Prud’hommeaux is a W3C staff contact for the Health Care and Life Sciences Interest Group, RDF Data Shapes (RDF Validation), LDP, RDF 1.1, SPARQL 1.1, RDB2RDF, SPARQL 1.0, SAWSDL, and XML Protocol Working Groups. He has developed and designed multiple languages, including a significant contribution to SPARQL and ShEx. He developed the Javascript ShEx library to promote understanding about and exploitation of Shape Expressions.

Iovka Boneva

Iovka Boneva is an Associate Professor at the University of Lille, France, and a member of the Links research project affiliated to Inria—Lille Nord Europe and CRIStAL (Centre de Recherche en Informatique, Signal et Automatique). She has been working on expressive languages for describing and querying tree-structured data, and more recently on data exchange for relational and graph data. She was a member of the W3C RDF Data Shapes Working Group and is a member of the W3C Shape Expressions community group. She has developed the theoretical foundations of the Shape Expressions Language.

Dimitris Kontokostas

Dimitris Kontokostas is a Knowledge Engineer and Semantic Web researcher at the University of Leipzig. He has been working on knowledge representation and knowledge management of large-scale knowledge graphs and data quality. Dimitris is a member of the RDF Data Shapes working group, a member and the chairman of the Shape Expressions Community Group, and co-editor of the SHACL W3C Recommendation. He is the creator of RDFUnit, a tool and unit-testing framework for RDF validation that supports SHACL, OSLC Resource Shapes, and DC Description Set Profiles.

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