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Validating RDF data

Appendix C  ShEx in ShEx

In this annex we include the full code of a ShEx schema that validates ShEx schemas represented in RDF syntax (ShExR). This code has been adapted from the ShEx specification [81].1

PREFIX xsd: <> PREFIX rdf: <> BASE <> start=@<Schema> <Schema> CLOSED { a [sx:Schema] ; sx:startActs @<SemActList1Plus>? ; sx:start @<shapeExpr>?; sx:shapes @<shapeExpr>* } <shapeExpr> @<ShapeOr> OR @<ShapeAnd> OR @<ShapeNot> OR @<NodeConstraint> OR @<Shape> OR @<ShapeExternal> <ShapeOr> CLOSED { a [sx:ShapeOr] ; sx:shapeExprs @<shapeExprList2Plus> } <ShapeAnd> CLOSED { a [sx:ShapeAnd] ; sx:shapeExprs @<shapeExprList2Plus> } <ShapeNot> CLOSED { a [sx:ShapeNot] ; sx:shapeExpr @<shapeExpr> } <NodeConstraint> CLOSED { a [sx:NodeConstraint] ; sx:nodeKind [sx:iri sx:bnode sx:literal sx:nonliteral]?; sx:datatype IRI ? ; &<xsFacets> ; sx:values @<valueSetValueList1Plus>? } <Shape> CLOSED { a [sx:Shape] ; sx:closed [true false]? ; sx:extra IRI* ; sx:expression @<tripleExpression>? ; sx:semActs @<SemActList1Plus>? ; } <ShapeExternal> CLOSED { a [sx:ShapeExternal] } <SemAct> CLOSED { a [sx:SemAct] ; sx:name IRI ; sx:code xsd:string? } <Annotation> CLOSED { a [sx:Annotation] ; sx:predicate IRI ; sx:object @<objectValue> } <facet_holder> { # holds labeled productions $<xsFacets> ( &<stringFacet> | &<numericFacet> )* ; $<stringFacet> ( sx:length xsd:integer | sx:minlength xsd:integer | sx:maxlength xsd:integer | sx:pattern xsd:string ; sx:flags xsd:string? ); $<numericFacet> ( sx:mininclusive @<numericLiteral> | sx:minexclusive @<numericLiteral> | sx:maxinclusive @<numericLiteral> | sx:maxexclusive @<numericLiteral> | sx:totaldigits xsd:integer | sx:fractiondigits xsd:integer ) } <numericLiteral> xsd:integer OR xsd:decimal OR xsd:double <valueSetValue> @<objectValue> OR @<IriStem> OR @<IriStemRange> OR @<LiteralStem> OR @<LiteralStemRange> OR @<LanguageStem> OR @<LanguageStemRange> <objectValue> IRI OR LITERAL <IriStem> CLOSED { a [sx:IriStem]; sx:stem xsd:anyUri } <IriStemRange> CLOSED { a [sx:IriStemRange]; sx:stem xsd:anyUri OR @<Wildcard>; sx:exclusion @<objectValue> OR @<IriStem>* } <LiteralStem> CLOSED { a [sx:LiteralStem]; sx:stem xsd:string } <LiteralStemRange> CLOSED { a [sx:LiteralStemRange]; sx:stem xsd:string OR @<Wildcard>; sx:exclusion @<objectValue> OR @<LiteralStem>* } <LanguageStem> CLOSED { a [sx:LanguageStem]; sx:stem xsd:string } <LanguageStemRange> CLOSED { a [sx:LanguageStemRange]; sx:stem xsd:string OR @<Wildcard>; sx:exclusion @<objectValue> OR @<LanguageStem>* } <Wildcard> BNODE CLOSED { a [sx:Wildcard] } <tripleExpression> @<TripleConstraint> OR @<OneOf> OR @<EachOf> <OneOf> CLOSED { a [sx:OneOf] ; sx:min xsd:integer? ; sx:max xsd:integer? ; sx:expressions @<tripleExpressionList2Plus> ; sx:semActs @<SemActList1Plus>? ; sx:annotation @<Annotation>* } <EachOf> CLOSED { a [sx:EachOf] ; sx:min xsd:integer? ; sx:max xsd:integer? ; sx:expressions @<tripleExpressionList2Plus> ; sx:semActs @<SemActList1Plus>? ; sx:annotation @<Annotation>* } <tripleExpressionList2Plus> CLOSED { rdf:first @<tripleExpression> ; rdf:rest @<tripleExpressionList1Plus> } <tripleExpressionList1Plus> CLOSED { rdf:first @<tripleExpression> ; rdf:rest [rdf:nil] OR @<tripleExpressionList1Plus> } <TripleConstraint> CLOSED { a [sx:TripleConstraint] ; sx:inverse [true false]? ; sx:negated [true false]? ; sx:min xsd:integer? ; sx:max xsd:integer? ; sx:predicate IRI ; sx:valueExpr @<shapeExpr>? ; sx:semActs @<SemActList1Plus>? ; sx:annotation @<Annotation>* } <SemActList1Plus> CLOSED { rdf:first @<SemAct> ; rdf:rest [rdf:nil] OR @<SemActList1Plus> } <shapeExprList2Plus> CLOSED { rdf:first @<shapeExpr> ; rdf:rest @<shapeExprList1Plus> } <shapeExprList1Plus> CLOSED { rdf:first @<shapeExpr> ; rdf:rest [rdf:nil] OR @<shapeExprList1Plus> } <valueSetValueList1Plus> CLOSED { rdf:first @<valueSetValue> ; rdf:rest [rdf:nil] OR @<valueSetValueList1Plus> }


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