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Validating RDF data

Chapter 5  SHACL

Shapes Constraint Language (SHACL) has been developed by the W3C RDF Data Shapes Working Group, which was chartered in 2014 with the goal to “produce a language for defining structural constraints on RDF graphs [6].”

The first public working draft was published in October 2015 and it was proposed as a W3C Recommendation in June 2017.1

SHACL was influenced by SPIN, and some parts from OSLC resource shapes and ShEx. At the beginning of the Working Group activity it was considered that SHACL was going to be an integration of all the validation approaches into a unified language. However, due to core differences, SHACL and ShEx did not converge. Chapter 7 contains a comparison of both languages and describes the main differences.

SHACL is divided in two parts. The first part, called SHACL Core, describes a core RDF vocabulary to define common shapes and constraints while the second part describes an extension mechanism in terms of SPARQL and has been called: SHACL-SPARQL.

Two working group notes have been published to extend SHACL with (a) advanced features such as rules and complex expressions2 and (b) to enable the definition of constraint components in Javascript (called SHACL-Javascript).3

A W3C SHACL community group4 has been created to continue working on SHACL preparing educational contents and supporting SHACL adoption. A working group note was also suggested for a SHACL Compact Syntax5 but it was decided to postpone it for the W3C community group.

5.1  Simple Example

SHACL groups the information and constraints that apply to data nodes into some constructs called shapes. SHACL shapes differ from ShEx shapes in the sense that they also contain information about the target nodes or set of nodes to which they can be applied.

The syntax of SHACL is defined in terms of RDF so we will use Turtle in this book although it is possible to employ other RDF serialization formats such as JSON-LD or RDF/XML.

Example 94  UserShape example in SHACL

The following example is similar to the ShEx definition in Example 26.6 It defines a shape :UserShape of type sh:NodeShape. It has target class declaration pointing to :User which means that it applies to all nodes that are instances of :User (see Section 5.7.2). The next lines declare that nodes conforming to :UserShape must satisfy the following constraints.

:UserShape a sh:NodeShape; sh:targetClass :User ; sh:property [ # Blank node 1 sh:path schema:name ; sh:minCount 1; sh:maxCount 1; sh:datatype xsd:string ; ] ; sh:property [ # Blank node 2 sh:path schema:gender ; sh:minCount 1; sh:maxCount 1; sh:or ( [ sh:in (schema:Male schema:Female) ] [ sh:datatype xsd:string] ) ] ; sh:property [ # Blank node 3 sh:path schema:birthDate ; sh:maxCount 1; sh:datatype xsd:date ; ] ; sh:property [ # Blank node 4 sh:path schema:knows ; sh:nodeKind sh:IRI ; sh:class :User ; ] .

SHACL defines shapes as a conjunction of constraints that nodes must satisfy. A SHACL processor checks each of the constraints and returns validation errors for every constraint that is not satisfied.

When no error is reported, it is assumed that the RDF graph has been validated.

Example 95  RDF graph conforming to Example 94

The following RDF data graph conforms to the previous example:

:alice a :User; #Passes as a :UserShape schema:name "Alice" ; schema:gender schema:Female ; schema:knows :bob . :bob a :User; #Passes as a :UserShape schema:gender schema:Male ; schema:name "Robert"; schema:birthDate "1980-03-10"^^xsd:date . :carol a :User; #Passes as a :UserShape schema:name "Carol" ; schema:gender schema:Female ; foaf:name "Carol" .

When an RDF graph conforms to a shapes graph, SHACL processors return a validation report with no errors. The validation report contains the declaration:

[ a sh:ValidationReport ; sh:conforms true ].
Example 96  Example of non conforming RDF graph

The following RDF graph does not conform to the shapes graph declared in Example 94.

:dave a :User ; #Fails as a :UserShape schema:name "Dave"; schema:gender :Unknown ; schema:birthDate 1980 ; schema:knows :grace . :emily a :User ; #Fails as a :UserShape schema:name "Emily", "Emilee"; schema:gender schema:Female . :frank a :User ; #Fails as a :UserShape foaf:name "Frank" ; schema:gender schema:Male . _:x a :User; #Fails as a :UserShape schema:name "Unknown" ; schema:gender schema:Male ; schema:knows _:x .

A SHACL processor reports the following errors.

  • :dave has value different from schema:Male, schema:Female or string for property schema:gender (the allowed values).
  • :dave has value 1980 for property schema:birthDate which is of datatype integer when it should be of datatype xsd:date.
  • :dave has value :grace for property schema:knows which is not an instance of :User.
  • :emily has 2 values for property schema:name when the maximum count is 1.
  • :frank does not have value for property schema:name.
  • _:x fails because the value of schema:knows is a blank node and must be an IRI.

When an RDF graph does not conform to a shapes graph, SHACL processors return a validation report that contains several errors. Section 5.5 describes the validation report structure.

5.2  SHACL Implementations

At the time of this writing, there are several implementations of SHACL.

5.3  Basic Definitions: Shapes Graphs, Node, and Property Shapes

A SHACL processor has two inputs: a data graph that contains the RDF data to validate and a shapes graph that contains the shapes. Example 94 contains a shapes graph and Examples 95 and 96 contain two possible RDF data graphs. It is possible to use a single graph that contains both the data and shapes graph merged.

There are two main types of shapes: node shapes and property shapes. Node shapes declare constraints directly on a node. Property shapes declare constraints on the values associated with a node through a path.

Property shapes have a property sh:path that declares the path that goes from the focus node to the value that they describe. The most frequent paths are predicate paths which are formed by a single IRI.

A node shape usually contains several property shapes which are declared through the sh:property predicate.

Example 94 contained four such property shape declarations. The first one was defined as:

:UserShape ... sh:property [ # Blank node 1 sh:path schema:name ; sh:minCount 1; sh:maxCount 1; sh:datatype xsd:string ; ] ; ...

Which means that nodes that conform to :UserShape must also conform to the property shape identified by blank node 1. The path of that property shape (line 3) is the predicate schema:name which is, in this case, a single IRI. The property shape contains several components that declare that there can be a minimum and a maximum of one values that can be accessed through that path (lines 4 and 5) and that they must belong to the xsd:string datatype (line 6).

Notice that in Example 94 we used blank nodes for property shapes and enumerated them from 1–4 because we will refer to them when we describe the validation report in next section. Although using blank nodes may be more readable, sometimes, it may be better to declare an IRI for the property shapes so they can be referenced from other shapes graphs when they are imported (see the next section).

Example 97  Declaring IRIs for property shapes

Example 94 could be rewritten as:

:UserShape a sh:NodeShape; sh:targetClass :User ; sh:nodeKind sh:IRI ; sh:property :HasEmail ; sh:property :HasGender ; sh:property :MaybeBirthDate ; sh:property :KnowsUsers . :HasEmail sh:path schema:name ; sh:minCount 1; sh:maxCount 1; sh:datatype xsd:string . :HasGender sh:path schema:gender ; sh:minCount 1; sh:maxCount 1; sh:or ( [ sh:in (schema:Male schema:Female) ] [ sh:datatype xsd:string] ) . :MaybeBirthDate sh:path schema:birthDate ; sh:maxCount 1; sh:datatype xsd:date . :KnowsUsers sh:path schema:knows ; sh:class :User .

5.4  Importing other Shapes Graphs

A shapes graph contains shapes definitions that will be passed to the SHACL validation process. Shapes graphs can be reusable modules that can be referenced by other shapes graphs with the predicate owl:imports. As a pre-validation step, SHACL processors should extend the original shapes graph by following and importing all referenced shapes graphs through owl:imports declarations. The resulting graph will be the input shapes graph that will be used for validation.

Example 98  Importing shapes graphs

If we assume that Example 94 is available at IRI, then, the following shapes graph imports its shapes and uses them to declare that nodes that conform to :TeacherShape must also conform to :UserShape (line 5) and have the predicate :teaches with a value of datatype xsd:string.

<> owl:imports <> . :TeacherShape a sh:NodeShape; sh:targetClass :Teacher ; sh:node :UserShape ; sh:property [ sh:path :teaches ; sh:minCount 1; sh:datatype xsd:string; ] .

Given the following data:

:alice a :Teacher; #Passes as a :TeacherShape schema:name "Alice" ; schema:gender schema:Female ; schema:knows :bob ; :teaches "Algebra" . :bob a :User ; #Passes as a :UserShape schema:gender schema:Male ; schema:name "Robert" . :carol a :Teacher ; #Fails as a :TeacherShape schema:gender 23 ; :teaches "Logic" .

A SHACL processor validates that :alice conforms to :TeacherShape, and :bob to :UserShape but reports that :carol does not conform to :TeacherShape.

5.5  Validation Report

As we said, SHACL processors take as input a data graph and a shapes graph and return a validation report.

The validation report is defined as an RDF graph with the following structure. If the data graph conforms to the shapes graph, the report contains a sh:conforms declaration with the value true:

:report a sh:ValidationReport ; sh:conforms true .

If the data graph does not conform to the shapes graph, the validation report will have a value false for the property sh:conforms and a set of validation errors of type sh:ValidationResult linked by the property sh:result.

Each validation result contains metadata about the cause of the error such as sh:focusNode, sh:value, sh:resultPath, etc. Table 5.1 describes the properties of validation results.

Table 5.1: SHACL validation result properties
sh:focusNodeThe focus node that was being validated when the error happened
sh:resultPathThe path from the focus node. This property is optional usually corresponds to the sh:path declaration of property shapes
sh:valueThe value that violated the constraint, when available
sh:sourceShapeThe shape that the focus node was validated against when the constraint was violated.
sh:sourceConstraintComponentThe IRI that identifies the component that caused the violation.
sh:detailMay point to further details about the cause of the error. This property can be used for reporting errors in nested nested shapes.
sh:resultMessageTextual details about the error. This message can be affected by the sh:message property (see section 5.6.4)
sh:resultSeverityA value which is equal to the sh:severity value of the shape that caused the violation error. If the shape doesn’t have sh:severity declaration then the default value will be sh:Violation.

Example 99  

The validation report generated by a SHACL processor when trying to validate the shapes graph in Example 94 with the data graph from Example 96 could be:

:report a sh:ValidationReport ; sh:conforms false ; sh:result [ a sh:ValidationResult ; sh:resultSeverity sh:Violation ; sh:sourceConstraintComponent sh:InConstraintComponent ; sh:sourceShape ... ; # blank node 2 sh:focusNode :dave ; sh:value :Unknown ; sh:resultPath schema:gender ; sh:resultMessage "Value has none of the shapes from the or list"], [ a sh:ValidationResult ; sh:resultSeverity sh:Violation ; sh:sourceConstraintComponent sh:DatatypeConstraintComponent ; sh:sourceShape ... ; # blank node 3 sh:focusNode :dave ; sh:value 1980 ; sh:resultPath schema:birthDate ; sh:resultMessage "Value does not have datatype xsd:date" ], [ a sh:ValidationResult ; sh:resultSeverity sh:Violation ; sh:sourceConstraintComponent sh:ClassConstraintComponent ; sh:sourceShape ... ; # blank node 4 sh:focusNode :dave ; sh:value :grace ; sh:resultPath schema:knows ; sh:resultMessage "Value is not an instance of User" ], [ a sh:ValidationResult ; sh:resultSeverity sh:Violation ; sh:sourceConstraintComponent sh:MaxCountConstraintComponent ; sh:sourceShape ... ; # blank node 1 sh:focusNode :emily ; sh:resultPath schema:name ; sh:resultMessage "More than 1 values" ], [ a sh:ValidationResult ; sh:resultSeverity sh:Violation ; sh:sourceConstraintComponent sh:MinCountConstraintComponent ; sh:sourceShape ...; # blank node 1 sh:focusNode :frank ; sh:resultPath schema:name ; sh:resultMessage "Less than 1 values" ], [ a sh:ValidationResult ; sh:resultSeverity sh:Violation ; sh:sourceConstraintComponent sh:NodeKindConstraintComponent ; sh:sourceShape :UserShape ; sh:focusNode _:x ; sh:value _:x ; sh:resultMessage "Value does not have node kind sh:IRI"] .

Although in the rest of this chapter we will describe the different errors in natural language for simplicity, the validation results returned by SHACL processors will have the structure above.

5.6  Shapes

There are two types of shapes in SHACL: node shapes and property shapes. Node shapes specify constraints about a node while property shapes specify constraints about the values that can be reached from a node by a path.

Figure 5.1: Shapes in SHACL.

5.6.1  Node shapes

Node shapes directly specify constraints about a focus node.

Example 100  Node shape example

The following shapes graph declares a node shape :UserShape which applies to all nodes that are instances of :User and the constraint that nodes conforming to :UserShape must be IRIs.

:UserShape a sh:NodeShape; sh:targetClass :User ; sh:nodeKind sh:IRI .

Given the following RDF graph:

:alice a :User . #Passes as a :UserShape <> a :User . #Passes as a :UserShape _:1 a :User . #Fails as a :UserShape

A SHACL processor checks that :alice and <> conform to shape :User and returns the error:

  • _:1 is not an IRI

5.6.2  Property Shapes

Property shapes specify constraints about the values that can be reached from a focus node by some path. sh:property associates a shape with a property shape.

The nodes that are affected by a property shape are specified using sh:path property that can take as value IRIs or SHACL paths.

SHACL paths are semantically equivalent to a subset of the SPARQL 1.1 property paths but they use an RDF encoding based on the following rules.

Table 5.2 presents some examples of SHACL paths and their corresponding SPARQL paths.

Table 5.2: SHACL and SPARQL paths
schema:name schema:name
[sh:inversePath schema:knows] ^schema:knows
(schema:knows schema:name) schema:knows/schema:name
[sh:alternativePath (schema:knows schema:follows)] schema:knows| schema:follows
[sh:zeroOrOnePath schema:knows] schema:knows?
[sh:oneOrMorePath schema:knows] schema:knows+
([sh:zeroOrMorePath schema:knowsschema:name) schema:knows*/schema:name

Example 101  SHACL paths example

The following shape declares that nodes that are instances of :User must satisfy that they must have a value for property schema:knows or schema:follows, which must be an IRI and that any node linked to users by the transitive closure of the schema:knows property must have a schema:email whose value must also be an IRI.

:UserShape a sh:NodeShape; sh:targetClass :User ; sh:property [ sh:path [sh:alternativePath (schema:knows schema:follows)] ; sh:nodeKind sh:IRI ; sh:minCount 1 ] ; sh:property [ sh:path ([sh:oneOrMorePath schema:knows] schema:email) ; sh:nodeKind sh:IRI ].

Given the following RDF data:

:alice a :User ; #Passes as a :UserShape schema:follows <>; schema:knows :bob, :carol . :bob schema:email <>; schema:knows :carol . :carol schema:email <> . :dave a :User ; #Fails as a :UserShape schema:knows <> ; schema:knows :carol, :emily . :emily schema:email "Unknown" .

A SHACL processor verifies that :alice conforms to shape :UserShape because it has schema:email with an IRI value and all the nodes that can be reached by the property schema:knows one or more times followed by the property schema:email (which is equivalent to schema:knows+/schema:email using SPARQL notation) are also IRIs.

The SHACL processor would return error for :dave because one of the values of schema:knows has an schema:email that is not an IRI ( :emily).

5.6.3  Constraint Components

SHACL defines the concept of constraint components which are associated with shapes to declare constraints. Each node or property shape can be associated with several constraint components.

Constraint components are identified by an IRI and have two types of parameters: mandatory and optional. The association between a shape and a constraint component is made by declaring values for the parameters. The parameters are also identified by IRIs and have values. Most of the constraint components in SHACL Core have a single parameter and follow the convention that if the parameter is named sh:p, the corresponding constraint component is named sh:pConstraintComponent.

Example 102  Shape with two constraints

The following code:

:UserShape a sh:NodeShape ; sh:nodeKind sh:IRI ; sh:class schema:Person .

declares a node shape :UserShape with two constraints which are associated with the following constraint components:

  • sh:NodeKindConstraintComponent with the value sh:IRI for the parameter sh:nodeKind. The constraint means that nodes that conform to :UserShape must be IRIs; and

  • sh:ClassConstraintComponent with the value schema:Person for the parameter sh:class. The constraint means that nodes conforming to :UserShape must be instances of schema:Person.

Given the following data:

:alice a schema:Person . #Passes as a :UserShape :bob a schema:Product . #Fails as a :UserShape _:x a schema:Person . #Fails as a :UserShape

When a constraint component declares a single parameter, the parameter may be used several times in the same shape. Each value of the parameter declares a different constraint. The interpretations of such declarations is conjunctive, i.e., all constraints apply.

Example 103  Shape with two constraints with the same parameter

The following code:

:UserShape a sh:NodeShape; sh:class foaf:Person ; sh:class schema:Person .

Declares two constraints with the parameter sh:class that means that nodes conforming to :UserShape must be instances of both foaf:Person and schema:Person.

Constraint components are associated with validators which define the behavior of the constraint.

SHACL Core contains a list of built-in constraint components that are classified in Table 5.3. In the table, we included the parameter names because they are shorter than the component IRIs. Those components will be described in more detail in their corresponding sections later in this chapter.

Table 5.3: SHACL core constraint components
Cardinality constraints sh:minCount, sh:maxCount5.8
Value types sh:class, sh:datatype, sh:nodeKind
sh:in, sh:hasValue
Value range constraints sh:minInclusive, sh:maxInclusive
sh:minExclusive, sh:maxExclusive
String based constraints sh:minLength, sh:maxLength
sh:length sh:pattern
Language based sh:uniqueLang, sh:languageIn5.10.3
Logical constraints sh:and, sh:or, sh:xone, sh:not5.11
Shape-based constraints sh:node, sh:property
sh:qualifiedValueShape, sh:qualifiedValueShapesDisjoint
sh:qualifiedMinCount sh:qualifiedMaxCount
Closed shapes sh:closed, sh:ignoredProperties5.13
Property pair constraints sh:equals, sh:disjoint
sh:lesThan, sh:lessThanOrEquals
Non-validating constraints sh:name, sh:description, sh:order, sh:group5.15

As we will show in Section 5.16, SHACL-SPARQL can be used to declare other constraint components.

5.6.4  Human Friendly Messages

The property sh:message can be used to associate a human-friendly message with a shape. If there is a violation that affects that shape, a SHACL processor can include the value of sh:message as the value of sh:resultMessage in the validation report.

Example 104   sh:message example
:UserShape a sh:NodeShape ; sh:targetClass :User ; sh:property [ # Blank node 1 sh:path schema:name ; sh:minCount 1 ; sh:message "Where is the name?" ] .

Given the following RDF graph:

:alice a :User ; #Passes as a :UserShape schema:name "Alice" . :bob a :User ; #Fails as a :UserShape foaf:name "Bob" .

A SHACL processor would return the following validation report:

:report a :ValidationReport ; sh:conforms false ; sh:result [ a sh:ValidationResult ; sh:resultSeverity sh:Violation ; sh:sourceConstraintComponent sh:MinCountConstraintComponent ; sh:sourceShape ... ; # Blank node 1 sh:focusNode :bob ; sh:resultPath schema:name ; sh:resultMessage "Where is the name?" ; ] .

5.6.5  Declaring Shape Severities

The property sh:severity can be used to declare a severity value for a shape. If there is a violation that affects that shape, a SHACL processor can include the value of sh:severity as the value of sh:resultSeverity in the validation report. SHACL describes three kinds of severity levels: sh:Info, sh:Warning, and sh:Violation. If the shape does not declare a severity value, the default one is sh:Violation.

Example 105   sh:severity example

Given the following shapes graph:

:UserShape a sh:NodeShape ; sh:targetClass :User ; sh:property [ # Blank node 1 sh:path schema:name ; sh:datatype xsd:string ; sh:severity sh:Warning ] .

and the RDF graph:

:alice a :User ; #Passes as a :UserShape schema:name "Alice" . :bob a :User ; #Fails as a :UserShape schema:name 23 .

A SHACL processor returns the following validation report:

:report a :ValidationReport ; sh:conforms false ; sh:result [ a sh:ValidationResult ; sh:resultSeverity sh:Warning ; sh:sourceConstraintComponent sh:DatatypeConstraintComponent ; sh:sourceShape ... ; # Blank node 1 sh:focusNode :bob ; sh:resultPath schema:name ; sh:resultMessage "Datatype should be xsd:string" ; sh:value 23 ] .

5.6.6  Deactivating Shapes

If a shape has the property sh:deactivated with the value true then it is deactivated and all RDF terms will conform to it.

A typical use case for deactivated shapes is when one imports shapes from another graph by a third party and wants to deactivate some of the shapes in the local shapes graph that do not apply in the current context.

Notice that if the author of a shapes library anticipates that a shape may need to be disabled or modified by others, it may be better to use IRIs instead of blank nodes, so they can be referenced later.

Example 106  Deactivating shapes

Let’s assume that there is a shapes library available at IRI with the following shapes graph:

:UserShape a sh:NodeShape; sh:targetClass :User ; sh:property :HasName ; sh:property :HasEmail . :HasName sh:path schema:name ; sh:minCount 1; sh:maxCount 1; sh:datatype xsd:string . :HasEmail sh:path schema:email ; sh:minCount 1; sh:nodeKind sh:IRI .

And we define a shapes graph importing the previous shapes and adding a declaration for :TeacherShape that deactivates the property :HasEmail:

<> owl:imports <> . :TeacherShape a sh:NodeShape; sh:targetClass :Teacher ; sh:node :UserShape ; sh:property [ sh:path :teaches ; sh:minCount 1; sh:datatype xsd:string; ] ; :HasEmail sh:deactivated true .

The merged shapes graph deactivates the property shape :HasEmail so nodes that conform to :TeacherShape need to conform to :UserShape but do not need to have schema:email property.

Given the following RDF data:

:alice a :Teacher ; #Passes as a :TeacherShape schema:name "Alice" ; schema:email <>; :teaches "Logic" . :bod a :Teacher ; #Passes as a :TeacherShape schema:name "Robert" ; schema:email "This email is not an IRI"; :teaches "Algebra" . :carol a :Teacher ; #Fails as a :TeacherShape schema:name 23 ; :teaches "Logic" .

A SHACL processor checks that :alice and :bob conform to :TeacherShape even if :bob does not conform to the :HasEmail shape. It returns the following error:

  • :carol does not conform to :TeacherShape because it does not conform to :UserShape as the value of property schema:name does not have datatype xsd:string.

5.7  Target Declarations

SHACL shapes may define several target declarations. Target declarations specify the set of nodes that will be validated against a shape. Table 5.4 contains the different target declarations defined in SHACL core.

SHACL targets provide the same functionality as the ShEx Shape maps (see 4.9). We discuss the core differences in section 7.4.

Table 5.4: SHACL target declarations
sh:targetNodeDirectly point to a node
sh:targetClassAll nodes that are instances of some class
sh:targetSubjectsOfAll nodes that are subjects of some predicate
sh:targetObjectsOfAll nodes that are objects of some predicate

5.7.1  Target Node

The predicate sh:targetNode declares a node that must conform to some shape.

Example 107   sh:targetNode example

In the following example, :alice, :bob, and :carol are declared as the target nodes of :UserShape so a SHACL processor will validate those nodes.

:UserShape a sh:NodeShape ; sh:targetNode :alice, :bob, :carol ; sh:property [ sh:path schema:name ; sh:minCount 1; sh:maxCount 1; sh:datatype xsd:string ; ] .

Given the RDF graph:

:alice schema:name "Alice Cooper" . #Passes as a :UserShape :bob foaf:name "Bob" . #Fails as a :UserShape :carol schema:name 23 . #Fails as a :UserShape :dave schema:name 45 . # Ignored

A SHACL processor checks that :alice conforms to :UserShape and returns the errors:

  • :bob does not have have value for property schema:name
  • :carol has a value which is not a xsd:string for property schema:name.

Notice that it ignores :dave as it was not affected by the sh:targetNode declaration.

sh:targetNode provides a similar functionality to the ShEx Fixed shape map (see  4.9.1). However, the difference is that SHACL target nodes silently ignore missing target nodes from the data graph, while in ShEx, we get back a failure. Depending on the data and constraint modeling approach, silent ignore may lead to false-positives and thus, target nodes should be used with caution.

5.7.2  Target Class

Target class declarations specify that all instances of some class must be validated with some shape.

SHACL employs a specific notion of instance, which is called SHACL instance, which can be defined using SPARQL property paths as: A node X is a SHACL instance of a class C if X rdf:type/rdfs:subClassOfC.

It means that nodes with an explicit rdf:type arc declaration are considered but also values that have an rdf:type declaration pointing to some class that is transitively linked to another class by the rdfs:subClassOf predicate. Note that the definition uses only the predicate rdfs:subClassOf but does not take into account other predicates from RDFS like rdfs:domain, rdfs:target, etc. The definition is does not require RDFS inference.

Example 108   sh:targetClass example
:UserShape a sh:NodeShape ; sh:targetClass :User ; sh:property [ sh:path schema:name ; sh:minCount 1; sh:maxCount 1; sh:datatype xsd:string ; ] .

Given the following RDF graph:

:alice a :User; #Passes as a :UserShape schema:name "Alice Cooper" . :bob a :User; #Fails as a :UserShape foaf:name "Bob" . :carol a :User; #Fails as a :UserShape schema:name 23 . :dave a :Student ; #Fails as a :UserShape schema:name 45 . :emily a :Student ; #Passes as a :UserShape schema:name "Emily" . :Student rdfs:subClassOf :User .

A SHACL validator checks that both :alice and :emily conform to :UserShape and returns the following errors:

  • :bob does not have property schema:name.
  • :carol has a value for schema:name that is not an xsd:string.
  • :dave has a value for schema:name that is not an xsd:string.

5.7.3  Implicit Class Target

A shape with type sh:NodeShape and rdfs:Class is a target class of itself. This means that the sh:targetClass declaration is implicit.

Example 109  Example using implicit targetClass
:User a sh:NodeShape, rdfs:Class ; sh:property [ sh:path schema:name ; sh:minCount 1; sh:maxCount 1; sh:datatype xsd:string ; ] .

has the same validation behavior as:

:User a sh:NodeShape ; sh:targetClass :User ; sh:property [ sh:path schema:name ; sh:minCount 1; sh:maxCount 1; sh:datatype xsd:string ; ] .

So given the following RDF graph:

:alice a :User; #Passes as a :User schema:name "Alice Cooper" . :bob a :User; #Fails as a :User foaf:name "Robert" .

The system would return the following error.

  • :bob does not have property schema:name.

Implicit target class declarations conflate the concept of shape and class as a single entity. This can be a dangerous practice in the open semantic web as they are different concepts (see 3.2). It can also be a very convenient feature to associate shape constraints with classes, and the Data Shapes Working Group decided to support it.

In this book, we opt to separate shapes and classes, using the following pattern:

:UserShape a sh:NodeShape ; sh:targetClass :User ; ...

5.7.4  Target Subjects Of

The property sh:targetSubjectsOf selects as focus nodes the subjects of some property.

Example 110   sh:targetSubjectsOf example
:UserShape a sh:NodeShape; sh:targetSubjectsOf :teaches ; sh:property [ sh:path schema:name ; sh:minCount 1; sh:maxCount 1; sh:datatype xsd:string ; ] .

Given the following RDF graph:

:alice :teaches :Algebra ; #Passes as a :UserShape schema:name "Alice" . :bob :teaches :Logic ; #Fails as a :UserShape foaf:name "Robert" . :carol foaf:name 23 . # Ignored

The system checks that :alice has shape :UserShape and signals the error:

  • :bob does not have property schema:name.

In this case, the system ignores :carol.

5.7.5  Target Objects Of

The property sh:targetObjectsOf selects as focus nodes the objects of some property.

Example 111   sh:targetObjectsOf example
:UserShape a sh:NodeShape; sh:targetObjectsOf :isTaughtBy ; sh:property [ sh:path schema:name ; sh:minCount 1; sh:maxCount 1; sh:datatype xsd:string ; ] .

Given the following RDF graph:

:alice schema:name "Alice" . #Passes as a :UserShape :bob foaf:name "Robert" . #Fails as a :UserShape :carol foaf:name 23 . # Ignored :algebra :isTaughtBy :alice, :bob .

The system checks that :alice has shape :UserShape and signals the error:

  • :bob does not have property schema:name.

The system ignores :carol as it is not the object of the :isTaughtBy property.

5.8  Cardinality

Cardinality constraint components specify restrictions on the minimum and maximum number of distinct value nodes. Table 5.5 defines the cardinality constraint component parameters in SHACL. The default cardinality in SHACL for property shapes is {0,unbounded}.

Table 5.5: SHACL cardinality constraint components
sh:minCountRestricts minimum number of value nodes.
If not defined, there is no restriction (no minimum).
sh:maxCountRestricts maximum number of value nodes.
If not defined, there is no restriction (unbounded).

Example 112  Cardinality

Given the following shapes graph:

:User a sh:NodeShape, rdfs:Class ; sh:property [ sh:path schema:follows ; sh:minCount 2 ; sh:maxCount 3 ; ] .

and the following RDF graph:

:alice a :User ; #Passes as a :User schema:follows :bob, :carol . :bob a :User ; #Fails as a :User schema:follows :alice . :carol a :User ; #Fails as a :User schema:follows :alice, :bob, :carol, :dave .

A SHACL validator returns the errors:

  • :bob has less than two values for the property schema:follows; and
  • :carol has more than three values for the property schema:follows.

5.9  Constraints on Values

These constraint components specify the set of values that a node can have. For example, nodes with some datatype, or are IRIs, or literals, etc. Table 5.6 describes the different possibilities which we will detail in the following sections.

Table 5.6: Constraints on values
sh:datatypeSpecifies the values must be literals with some datatype
sh:classSpecifies that values must be SHACL instances of some class
sh:nodeKindPossible values: sh:BlankNode, sh:IRI, sh:Literal, sh:BlankNodeOrIRI, sh:BlankNodeOrLiteral, sh:IRIOrLiteral
sh:inEnumerates the value nodes that a property is allowed to have
sh:hasValueA node must have a given value

5.9.1  Datatypes

sh:datatype specifies the datatype that a focus node must have.

Remember that all literals in the RDF data model have an associated datatype (see Section 2.2). Plain string literals have xsd:string datatype by default.

SHACL contains a list of built-in datatypes that are based on XML Schema datatypes (which are the same as in SPARQL 1.1). For those datatypes SHACL processors also check that the lexical form conforms to the datatype rules. This means that something like "Unknown"^^xsd:date is not a well-typed literal because "Unknown" does not conform to the xsd:date rules.

Example 113  Simple datatypes example

Given the following shapes graph20:

:UserShape a sh:NodeShape ; sh:targetClass :User ; sh:property [ sh:path schema:name ; sh:datatype xsd:string ] ; sh:property [ sh:path schema:birthDate ; sh:datatype xsd:date ; ] .

and the following RDF graph:

:alice a :User ; # Passes as a :User schema:name "Alice"; schema:birthDate "1981-07-10"^^xsd:date . :bob a :User ; # Fails as a :User schema:name "Robert" ; schema:birthDate 1981 . :carol a :User ; # Fails as a :User schema:name :Carol ; schema:birthDate "2003-06-10"^^xsd:date . :dave a :User ; # Fails as a :User schema:name "Dave" ; schema:birthDate "Unknown"^^xsd:date .

A SHACL processor validates that :alice has shape :User and returns the following errors:

  • :bob has a value for path schema:birthDate that is not a xsd:date (it is an integer);
  • :carol has a value for path schema:name that is not a xsd:string (it is an IRI); and
  • :dave has a value for path schema:birthDate that is not a xsd:date (its lexical form does not match xsd:date).
Example 114  Custom datatypes example

The RDF data model enables the use of other datatypes apart from the popular XML Schema datatypes.

In the following example, a picture contains the properties schema:width and schema:height using a hypothetical custom datatype ( cdt:distance).

:PictureShape a sh:NodeShape ; sh:targetClass :Picture ; sh:property [ sh:path schema:width ; sh:datatype cdt:distance ] ; sh:property [ sh:path schema:height ; sh:datatype cdt:distance ] .
:gioconda a :Picture ; # Passes as a :PictureShape schema:width "21 in"^^cdt:distance ; schema:height "30 in"^^cdt:distance . :other a :Picture ; # Fails as a :PictureShape schema:width "21 in"^^xsd:string ; schema:height 30 .

Example 115  Language-tagged literals

A common use case is to declare that some literals must be language-tagged strings.

:CountryShape a sh:NodeShape ; sh:targetClass :Country ; sh:property [ sh:path schema:name ; sh:datatype rdf:langString ] .
:italy a :Country ; #Passes as a :CountryShape schema:name "Italia"@es . :france a :Country ; #Fails as a :CountryShape schema:name "France" .

5.9.2  Class of Values

sh:class specifies that each value is an instance of a given class. As in Section 5.7.2, the notion of instance that SHACL uses is a variation of RDF Schema where a node X is an instance of C if X rdf:type/rdfs:subClassOfC.

Example 116  Class of values

The following shape :User declares that the values of property schema:worksFor must be SHACL instances of the :Organization class.

:UserShape a sh:NodeShape ; sh:targetClass :User ; sh:property [ sh:path schema:worksFor ; sh:class :Organization ] .

Given the following RDF graph:

:alice a :User ; #Passes as a :User schema:worksFor :aCompany . :bob a :User ; #Passes as a :User schema:worksFor :aUniversity . :carol a :User ; #Fails as a :User schema:worksFor :Unknown . :aCompany a :Organization . :aUniversity a :University . :University rdfs:subClassOf :Organization .

A SHACL processor verifies that :alice and :bob conform to shape :User and returns the following error:

  • :carol has the value :Unknown for property schema:worksFor which is not a SHACL instance of :Organization.

5.9.3  Node Kinds

sh:nodeKind specifies the kind of values according to the RDF Data model. Table 5.7 contains the possible values for that property.

Table 5.7: Node kinds
sh:IRINodes must be IRIs
sh:BlankNodeNodes must be Blank nodes
sh:LiteralNodes must be Literals
sh:BlankNodeOrLiteralNodes must be Blank nodes or literals
sh:BlankNodeOrIRINodes must be Blank nodes or IRIs
sh:IRIOrLiteralNodes must be IRIs or literals

Example 117  Nodekind example
:UserShape a sh:NodeShape ; sh:targetClass :User ; sh:property [ sh:path schema:name ; sh:nodeKind sh:Literal ; ]; sh:property [ sh:path schema:follows ; sh:nodeKind sh:BlankNodeOrIRI ]; sh:nodeKind sh:IRI .

Given the following RDF graph:

:alice a :User; #Passes as a :UserShape schema:name "Alice" ; schema:follows [ schema:name "Dave" ] . :bob a :User; #Fails as a :UserShape schema:name _:1 ; schema:follows :alice . :carol a :User; #Fails as a :UserShape schema:name "Carol" ; schema:follows "Dave" . :dave a :User . #Passes as a :UserShape _:1 a :User . #Fails as a :UserShape

A SHACL processor verifies that :alice and :dave conform to shape :UserShape and returns the following errors:

  • :bob has a value that is not a literal for property schema:name.
  • :carol has a value that is not a blank node or IRI for property schema:follows.
  • _:1 is not an IRI .

Note that :dave pases as :UserShape because there are no cardinality restrictions on schema:name and schema:follows.

5.9.4  Sets of Values

sh:in specifies that each value must be a member of the provided list.

Example 118   sh:in example
:UserShape a sh:NodeShape ; sh:targetClass :User ; sh:property [ sh:path schema:gender ; sh:in ( schema:Male schema:Female ) ] .

Given the following RDF graph:

:alice a :User; #Passes as a :UserShape schema:affiliation :OurCompany ; schema:gender schema:Female . :bob a :User; #Fails as a :UserShape schema:gender schema:male .

A SHACL processor verifies that :alice conforms to :UserShape and returns the following errors:

  • :bob has a value for schema:gender that is not in the list schema:Male schema:Female) because schema:Male is not equal to schema:male.

5.9.5  Specific Value

sh:hasValue declares the value that a node must have . Notice that even if there is no sh:minCount declared, this constraint checks that the property has that value (and possibly others).

Example 119   sh:hasValue
:UserShape a sh:NodeShape ; sh:targetClass :User ; sh:property [ sh:path schema:affiliation ; sh:hasValue :OurCompany ] .

Given the following RDF graph:

:alice a :User; #Passes as a :UserShape schema:affiliation :OurCompany . :bob a :User; #Fails as a :UserShape schema:affiliation :OurUniversity . :carol a :User . #Fails as a :UserShape :dave a :User; #Passes as a :UserShape schema:affiliation :OurCompany ; schema:affiliation :OurUniversity .

A SHACL processor verifies that :alice conforms to :UserShape and returns the following errors:

  • :bob does not have value :OurCompany for property schema:affiliation; and
  • :carol does not have value for property schema:affiliation.

5.10  Datatype Facets

SHACL contains a list of built-in constraint components that resemble XML Schema facets and have the same semantics.

5.10.1  Value Ranges

The parameters sh:minInclusive, sh:minExclusive, sh:maxInclusive, sh:maxExclusive declare the minimum or maximum value of a literal with the variants to include or exclude the given value.

Example 120  Example with value ranges
:Rating a sh:NodeShape ; sh:targetSubjectsOf schema:ratingValue ; sh:property [ sh:path schema:ratingValue ; sh:minInclusive 1 ; sh:maxInclusive 5 ; sh:datatype xsd:integer ] .

Given the following RDF graph:

:low schema:ratingValue 1 . #Passes as a :Rating :average schema:ratingValue 3 . #Passes as a :Rating :veryGood schema:ratingValue 5 . #Passes as a :Rating :zero schema:ratingValue 0 . #Fails as a :Rating :incredible schema:ratingValue 100 . #Fails as a :Rating

A SHACL processor verifies that :low, :average, and :veryGood conform to shape :Rating and returns the errors:

  • :zero has a value below the minimum 1; and
  • :incredible has a value bigger than the maximum 5.

5.10.2  String-based Constraints

The parameters sh:minLength, sh:maxLength, and sh:pattern (with sh:flags) specify string facets on value nodes. These constraints check the string representation of the value.21

String facets are always violated when the value node is a blank node.

sh:minLength and sh:maxLength specify constraints on the size of the string representation of a value node. When sh:minLength is 0, it means that there is no restriction on the length of the string.

Example 121   sh:minLength, sh:maxLength example
:User a sh:NodeShape, rdfs:Class ; sh:property [ sh:path schema:name ; sh:minLength 4 ; sh:maxLength 20 ; ] ; sh:property [ sh:path schema:description ; sh:minLength 0 ; ] .

The following RDF graph:

:alice a :User; #Passes as a :User schema:name "Alice"; schema:description "...long description..." . :bob a :User; #Fails as a :User schema:name "Bob" . :carol a :User; #Fails as a :User schema:name :Carol . :strange a :User; #Fails as a :User schema:name _:strange .

verifies that :alice and :carol conform to shape :User and reports the errors:

  • :bob has a schema:name whose length is less that 4; and
  • :strange has a blank node as the value for property schema:name whose length can’t be calculated.

In the case of :carol, notice that the example depends on the length of the prefixed name :Carol which will be calculated after concatenating the IRI associated with the empty prefix : to Carol. In this case, if : is associated with, the processor will evaluate the length of (which is 24) and fails because it is bigger than 20.

Example 122  Example with pattern

sh:pattern specifies that a value must match a regular expression. It has the same definition as the SPARQL regex function.22

The parameter sh:flags is optional and can modify the way the regular expression matches. The definition of sh:flags is the same as SPARQL and XPath regular expressions. One of the most popular flags is i which indicates that the match is case-insensitive.

We already gave a short introduction to regular expressions in Section 4.5.3. Although that section was for ShEx, the concept is the same.

:ProductShape a sh:NodeShape ; sh:targetClass :Product ; sh:property [ sh:path schema:productID ; sh:pattern "^P\\d{3,4}" ; sh:flags "i" ; ] .

Given the following RDF graph:

:car a :Product ; schema:productID "P2345" . #Passes as a :Product :bus a :Product; schema:productID "p567" . #Passes as a :Product :truck a :Product; schema:productID "P12" . #Fails as a :Product :bike a :Product; schema:productID "B123" . #Fails as a :Product

A SHACL processor verifies that :car and :bus conform to :Product and returns the following errors:

  • :truck has a value for schema:productID that is too short; and
  • :bike has a value for schema:productID that does not start with P or p.

5.10.3  Language-based Constraints

sh:languageIn declares the allowed languages of a literal and sh:uniqueLang specifies that no pair of nodes can have the same language tag.

Example 123  Example with sh:languageIn

The following example declares that the rdfs:label property of a product must be a tagged literal in Spanish, English, or French.

:ProductShape a sh:NodeShape; sh:targetClass :Product ; sh:property [ sh:path rdfs:label ; sh:languageIn ("es" "en" "fr") ] .
:p234 a :Product ; #Passes as a :ProductShape rdfs:label "leche"@es, "milk"@en . :p235 a :Product ; #Passes as a :ProductShape rdfs:label "ham"@en . :p236 a :Product ; #Fails as a :ProductShape rdfs:label "tomaten"@de . :p237 a :Product ; #Fails as a :ProductShape rdfs:label "patatas"@es , "kartofeln"@de .
Example 124  Example with sh:uniqueLang

The following example declares that if the nodes of shape :CountryShape have property skos:prefLabel then the values must have different language tags.

:CountryShape a sh:NodeShape ; sh:targetClass :Country ; sh:property [ sh:path skos:prefLabel ; sh:uniqueLang true ] .
:italy a :Country; #Passes as a :CountryShape skos:prefLabel "Italy"@en, "Italia"@es . :france a :Country; #Passes as a :CountryShape skos:prefLabel "France", "France"@en, "Francia"@es . :spain a :Country . #Passes as a :CountryShape :usa a :Country; #Fails as a :CountryShape skos:prefLabel "USA"@en, "United States"@en.

The previous example returns the error:

  • Node :usa has more than one language for English at property skos:prefLabel.

In the previous example, a node without skos:prefLabel (e.g., :spain) also conforms to :CountryShape.

Example 125  Example with one language tag in a list of languages

A typical situation is to require exactly one literal per language from a list of allowed languages. For example, declaring that nodes of shape :CountryShape have at least one skos:prefLabel in English or Spanish.

:CountryShape a sh:NodeShape ; sh:targetClass :Country ; sh:property [ sh:path skos:prefLabel ; sh:minCount 1 ; sh:uniqueLang true ; sh:languageIn ("en" "es") ; ] .

Given the following data:

:italy a :Country; #Passes as a :CountryShape skos:prefLabel "Italy"@en, "Italia"@es . :france a :Country; #Fails as a :CountryShape skos:prefLabel "France" , "France"@en, "Francia"@es . :spain a :Country . #Fails as a :CountryShape :usa a :Country; #Fails as a :CountryShape skos:prefLabel "USA"@en, "United States"@en.

In this case, :spain fails because it has no skos:prefLabel, :france fails because if has one value that is not in English or Spanish, and :usa fails because it has more than one value in English.

5.11  Logical Constraints: and, or, not, xone

The operators sh:and, sh:or, xone, and sh:not can be used to form complex constraints.

Their semantics is described in Table 5.8. sh:and, sh:or, and sh:not have the traditional meaning of the corresponding Boolean operators while sh:xone (exactly one) is similar to the exclusive-or when applied to two arguments. When applied to more than 2 arguments, the former requires exactly one, while the latter requires an odd number of arguments to be satisfied.

Table 5.8: SHACL logical operators
sh:and sh:and (S1 ... SN) specifies that each value node must conform to all the shapes S1SN.
sh:or sh:or (S1 ... SN) specifies that each value node conforms to at least one of the shapes S1SN.
sh:not sh:not S specifies that each value node must not conform to S.
sh:xone sh:xone (S1 ... SN) specifies that exactly one node conforms to one of the shapes S1SN.

5.11.1  AND

A node conforms to a shape containing the sh:and operator if it conforms to all the shapes linked by it.

The following example declares a :User shape as the conjunction of two property shapes.

Example 126  SHACL AND example
sh:targetClass :User ; sh:and ( [ a sh:NodeShape; sh:property [ sh:path schema:name; sh:datatype xsd:string ; sh:minCount 1 ] ] [ a sh:NodeShape ; sh:property [ sh:path schema:affiliation; sh:minCount 1 ] ] ) .

The declaration of type sh:NodeShape and the use of sh:property is not required when we want to reference a property shape. The following code is equivalent to the previous example.

sh:targetClass :User ; sh:and ( [ sh:path schema:name; sh:datatype xsd:string ; sh:minCount 1 ] [ sh:path schema:affiliation; sh:minCount 1 ] ) .

sh:and is a little redundant because by default, when we associate constraint components to a shape, the meaning is that all those constraints must conform, so there is an implicit conjunction.

For example, the previous shape and the following one have the same meaning.

:UserShape a sh:NodeShape ; sh:targetClass :User ; sh:property [ sh:path schema:name; sh:datatype xsd:string ; sh:minCount 1 ] ; sh:property [ sh:path schema:affiliation; sh:minCount 1 ] .

In case of complex expressions, using sh:and may improve readability. One example is using sh:and to extend one shape with other constraints.

Example 127  Extending a shape with other constraints

The following example declares a top-level shape :Person whose nodes must have schema:name. The shape :User extends :Person adding a new constraint on the existing property schema:name and declaring the need of another property schema:email. Finally, the shape :Student extends :User adding a new property :course.23

:Person a sh:NodeShape, rdfs:Class ; sh:property [ sh:path schema:name ; sh:datatype xsd:string ; sh:minCount 1 ; sh:maxCount 1 ] . :User a sh:NodeShape, rdfs:Class ; sh:and ( :Person [ sh:path schema:name ; sh:maxLength 5 ] [ sh:path schema:email ; sh:nodeKind sh:IRI ; sh:minCount 1 ; sh:maxCount 1 ] ) . :Student a sh:NodeShape, rdfs:Class ; sh:and ( :User [ sh:path :course ; sh:nodeKind sh:IRI ; sh:minCount 1; ] ) .

If we have the following RDF data:

:alice a :Person ; # Passes as a :Person schema:name "Alice" . :bob a :User ; # Fails as a :User schema:name "Robert Smith"; # long name *) schema:email <> . :carol a :Person, :User; # Passes as a :Person and :User schema:name "Carol" ; schema:email <> . :dave a :Student; # Passes as a :Person,:User and Student schema:name "Dave" ; schema:email <>; :course :algebra .

5.11.2  OR

The parameter sh:or declares a disjunction between several shapes.

Example 128  SHACL disjunction example

The following shape declares that nodes must either have property foaf:name or schema:name (or both).

:UserShape a sh:NodeShape ; sh:targetClass :User ; sh:or ( [ sh:path foaf:name; sh:minCount 1; ] [ sh:path schema:name; sh:minCount 1; ] ) .

Given the following data:

:alice a :User ; schema:name "Alice" . #Passes as a :User :bob a :User ; foaf:name "Robert" . #Passes as a :User :carol a :User ; foaf:name "Carol"; #Passes as a :User schema:name "Carol" . :dave a :User ; rdfs:label "Dave" . #Fails as a :User

A SHACL processor checks that :alice, :bob, and :carol conform to :UserShape but returns an error on :dave.

For this particular example, the use of sh:or could be replaced by a SHACL property with sh:alternativePath:

:UserShape a sh:NodeShape ; sh:property [ sh:path [sh:alternativePath (schema:name foaf:name)] ; sh:minCount 1; ] .
Example 129  Union of datatypes

A common use case of sh:or is to declare the union of several datatypes. The following example declares that products must have a rdfs:label which must be either a xsd:string or a language tagged literal, and must have a release date that must be either a xsd:date, or xsd:gYear or the string "unknown-past" or "unknown-future".

:ProductShape a sh:NodeShape; sh:targetClass :Product ; sh:property [ sh:path rdfs:label ; sh:or ( [sh:datatype xsd:string] [sh:datatype rdf:langString] ); sh:minCount 1; sh:maxCount 1 ]; sh:property [ sh:path schema:releaseDate ; sh:or ( [sh:datatype xsd:date] [sh:datatype xsd:gYear] [sh:in ("unknown-past" "unknown-future")] ); sh:minCount 1; sh:maxCount 1 ]; .

Given the following data:

:p1 a :Product ; #Passes as a :Product rdfs:label "Laptop"; schema:releaseDate "1990"^^xsd:gYear . :p2 a :Product ; #Passes as a :Product rdfs:label "Car"@en ; schema:releaseDate "unknown-future" . :p3 a :Product ; #Fails as a :Product rdfs:label :House ; schema:releaseDate "2020"^^xsd:integer .

A SHACL processor checks that :p1, and :p2 conform to :ProductShape but returns an error on :p3.

5.11.3  Exactly One

A node conforms to a shape containing the sh:xone operator if it conforms to exactly one of the shapes linked by it.

The semantics of sh:xone is different from Exclusive OR (XOR) when there are more than 2 arguments. XOR is usually defined as requiring conformance of an odd number of arguments, while sh:xone requires conformance of exactly one.

Example 130  SHACL Xone example

The following shape declares that nodes must have either foaf:name or schema:name but not both.

:UserShape a sh:NodeShape ; sh:targetClass :User ; sh:xone ( [ sh:property [ sh:path foaf:name; sh:minCount 1; ] ] [ sh:property [ sh:path schema:name; sh:minCount 1; ] ] ) .

Given the previous shape declaration and the following RDF graph:

:alice a :User ; #Passes as a :User schema:name "Alice" . :bob a :User ; #Passes as a :User foaf:name "Robert" . :carol a :User ; #Fails as a :User foaf:name "Carol"; schema:name "Carol" . :dave a :User ; #Fails as a :User rdfs:label "Dave" .

A SHACL processor checks that :alice and :bob conform to :User but gives errors for :carol and :dave.

The sh:xone constraint component only checks that exactly one of its arguments is satisfied.

When defining complex models, it must be used with caution as its behavior may not be the intended one.

Example 131  Exactly one on complex expressions

We want to declare that a user has either one name or a combination of one or more given names plus a family name, but not both. This example is the same as Example 55 in ShEx. A first attempt to model it in SHACL would be:

:UserShape a sh:NodeShape; sh:targetClass :User ; sh:xone ( [ sh:path schema:name ; sh:datatype xsd:string ; sh:minCount 1; sh:maxCount 1 ] [ a sh:NodeShape; sh:property [ sh:path schema:givenName; sh:datatype xsd:string ; sh:minCount 1; ] ; sh:property [ sh:path schema:familyName; sh:datatype xsd:string ; sh:minCount 1; sh:maxCount 1 ] ; ] ) .

Note, however, that xone does not reject everything we might expect it to:

:alice a :User ; #Passes as a :UserShape schema:name "Alice" . :bob a :User ; #Passes as a :UserShape schema:givenName "Bob", "Robert" ; schema:familyName "Smith" . :carol a :User ; #Fails as a :UserShape schema:name "Carol" ; schema:givenName "Carol" ; schema:familyName "King" . :dave a :User ; #Passes as a :UserShape schema:name "Dave" ; # But it should fail schema:familyName "King" .

In the case of :dave it passes although the intended meaning is that it should fail (it conforms to one of the branches but partially matches the other one).

The solution is to change the expression representing each alternative at the top-level excluding the other ones. In which case, sh:xone is not required and sh:or is enough. Note that sh:maxCount 0 plays the role of negation.

The SHACL code equivalent to Example 55 is:

:UserShape a sh:NodeShape; sh:targetClass :User ; sh:or ( [ a sh:NodeShape; sh:property [ sh:path schema:name ; sh:datatype xsd:string ; sh:minCount 1; sh:maxCount 1 ] ; sh:property [ sh:path schema:givenName ; sh:maxCount 0 ] ; sh:property [ sh:path schema:familyName ; sh:maxCount 0 ] ; ] [ a sh:NodeShape; sh:property [ sh:path schema:name; sh:maxCount 0; ] ; sh:property [ sh:path schema:givenName; sh:datatype xsd:string ; sh:minCount 1; ] ; sh:property [ sh:path schema:familyName; sh:datatype xsd:string ; sh:minCount 1; sh:maxCount 1 ] ; ] ) .

With this definition the node :dave would now fail as expected. Note that this definition can become quite verbose for more complex expressions (see Section 7.13 for a longer example).

5.11.4  Not

The parameter sh:not specifies the condition that each node must not conform to a given shape.

Example 132  SHACL Not
:NotFoaf a sh:NodeShape ; sh:not [ sh:property [ sh:path foaf:name ; sh:minCount 1 ; ] ; ] .

:alice schema:name "Alice" . #Passes as a :User :bob foaf:name "Robert" . #Fails as a :User :carol rdfs:label "Carol" . #Passes as a :User

5.11.5  Combining Logical Operators

It is possible to combine the previous logical operators to form more complex expressions.

IF-THEN pattern

A typical pattern is to emulate an IF-THEN. Remember that IF x THEN y is equivalent to (NOT xOR y.

Example 133  IF-THEN pattern in SHACL

The following shape declares that all products must have a schema:productID and if a product has rdf:type schema:Vehicle then it must have the properties schema:vehicleEngine and schema:fuelType. This example is the same as ShEx Example 83.

:ProductShape a sh:NodeShape ; sh:property [ sh:path schema:productID ; sh:minCount 1; sh:maxCount 1 ; ]; sh:or ( [ sh:not [ sh:property [ sh:path rdf:type; sh:hasValue schema:Vehicle ]] ] [ sh:property [ sh:path schema:vehicleEngine ; sh:minCount 1; sh:maxCount 1 ] ; sh:property [ sh:path schema:fuelType ; sh:minCount 1; sh:maxCount 1 ] ; ] ) .

Given the following data:

:p1 a :Book; #Passes as a :ProductShape schema:productID "P1" . :p2 a schema:Vehicle ; #Passes as a :ProductShape schema:productID "P2" ; schema:fuelType "Gasoline" ; schema:vehicleEngine "X2" . :p3 a schema:Vehicle ; #Fails as a :ProductShape schema:productID "P3" .

A SHACL processor checks that :p1 and :p2 conform to :ProductShape but signals an error for :p3.

IF-THEN-ELSE pattern

In the same way as before, an IF-THEN-ELSE can also be declared. Remember that: IF A THEN B ELSE C is equivalent to IF A THEN B AND IF NOT A THEN C

Example 134  IF-THEN-ELSE pattern in SHACL

The following example declares that if a product has rdf:type with value schema:Vehicle then it must have schema:vehicleEngine and schema:fuelType, else it must have schema:category with a xsd:string value. This example is equivalent to the ShEx example presented in Section 4.8.3.

:Product a sh:NodeShape ; sh:or ( [ sh:not [ sh:path rdf:type ; sh:hasValue schema:Vehicle ] ] [ sh:and ( [ sh:path schema:vehicleEngine ; sh:minCount 1; sh:maxCount 1 ] [ sh:path schema:fuelType ; sh:minCount 1; sh:maxCount 1 ] ) ] ); sh:or ( [ sh:path rdf:type ; sh:hasValue schema:Vehicle ] [ sh:path schema:category ; sh:datatype xsd:string; sh:minCount 1; sh:maxCount 1 ] ) .

With the following data, nodes :kitt and :c23 conform to :Product each one passing one of the branches, while :bad1 and :bad2 do not conform.

:kitt a schema:Vehicle; #Passes as a :Product schema:vehicleEngine :x42 ; schema:fuelType :electric . :c23 a schema:Computer ; #Passes as a :Product schema:category "Laptop" . :bad1 a schema:Vehicle; #Fails as a :Product schema:fuelType :electric . :bad2 a schema:Computer . #Fails as a :Product

5.12  Shape-based Constraints

sh:node specifies that the value nodes conform to a given shape.

Example 135   sh:node example

The following shapes graph declares that nodes of shape :User have a property schema:worksFor whose values must conform to the shape :Company and that nodes of shape :Company have a property schema:name whose values are strings.

:UserShape a sh:NodeShape; sh:targetClass :User ; sh:property [ sh:path schema:worksFor ; sh:node :Company ; ] . :CompanyShape a sh:NodeShape ; sh:property [ sh:path schema:name ; sh:datatype xsd:string ; ] .

Consider the following data:

:UserShape a sh:NodeShape; sh:targetClass :User ; sh:property [ sh:path schema:worksFor ; sh:node :CompanyShape ; ] . :CompanyShape a sh:NodeShape ; sh:property [ sh:path schema:name ; sh:datatype xsd:string ; ] .

This data would raise the following error:

  • :bob does not conform to shape :User because the value of property schema:worksFor does not conform to shape :CompanyShape. The reason is that the value of property schema:name does not have datatype xsd:string.

sh:property specifies that the values conform to a given property shape.

Although in most of the previous examples sh:property was pointing to blank nodes, it may be possible (and even recommended) to use IRIs for property shapes.

Example 136   sh:property example

The following shapes graph declares that :UserShape nodes have a name and work for something that also has a name.

:UserShape a sh:NodeShape; sh:targetClass :User ; sh:property :HasName ; sh:property [ sh:path schema:worksFor ; sh:node :HasName ; ] . :HasName sh:path schema:name ; sh:datatype xsd:string ; sh:minCount 1 ; sh:maxCount 1 .

Consider the following data:

:alice a :User; #Passes as a :UserShape schema:name "Alice" ; schema:worksFor :OurCompany . :bob a :User; #Fails as a :UserShape schema:name "Robert" ; schema:worksFor :Another . :carol a :User ; #Fails as a :UserShape schema:worksFor :OurCompany . :OurCompany schema:name "OurCompany" . :Another schema:name 23 .

A SHACL processor raises the error:

  • :bob does not conform to shape :UserShape because the value of schema:worksFor ( :Another) has 23 as schema:name which does not have datatype xsd:string.
  • :carol does not conform to shape :UserShape because it does not have a name.

5.12.1  Shape References and Recursion

Declarations with shape references like sh:node and sh:property trigger validation of nodes with other shapes. In Example 135, validating :alice with :UserShape shape, triggered validation of :OurCompany with shape :Company. This process can be problematic if there are some cyclic dependencies between shapes.

We will see other predicates that implicitly introduce shape references like the logical predicates sh:and, sh:or, sh:not, and sh:xone (see Section 5.11) and the qualified value shapes (see Section 5.12.2).

Example 137  Simple cyclic data

Shape :User represents nodes that have one schema:name with xsd:string value, an optional schema:birthDate with value xsd:date and zero or more values of schema:knows that conform to :User.

Figure 5.2: Example of cyclic model.

Given the following data, :alice and :bob conform to :User while :carol and :dave do not conform. :dave fails because the value of schema:name is not a xsd:string and :carol fails because the value of schema:knows does not conform to :User.

:alice schema:name "Alice" ; schema:birthDate "1995-06-03"^^xsd:date; schema:knows :bob . :bob schema:name "Robert" . :carol schema:name "Carol" ; schema:knows :dave . :dave schema:name 23 .

A direct representation of the cyclic model in SHACL could be the following:

:User a sh:NodeShape ; # \color{red}{Undefined shapes graph} *) sh:property [ # \color{red}{because :User refers to itself} *) sh:path schema:name ; sh:datatype xsd:string ; sh:minCount 1; sh:maxCount 1; ]; sh:property [ sh:path schema:birthDate ; sh:datatype xsd:date ; sh:maxCount 1; ]; sh:property [ sh:path schema:knows ; sh:node :User ; ].

The behavior of a SHACl processor with :User shape is undefined because it is recursive: :User is defined in terms of itself. Validation with recursive shapes is undefined and it is left to processor implementations. Some processors may support it while others may produce an error.

Sometimes recursion appears indirectly when one shape refers to other shapes that refer to others, and eventually, one of the shapes refers to the first one.

Example 138  Cyclic data model with two shapes

Figure 138 contains a simple cyclic data model.

Figure 5.3: Example of cyclic model with two shapes.

A direct representation of the data model could be the following SHACL shapes graph:

:User a sh:NodeShape ; # \color{red}{Undefined shapes graph because :User and :Company} *) sh:property [ # \color{red}{refer to each other recursively} *) sh:path schema:name ; sh:datatype xsd:string ; sh:minCount 1; sh:maxCount 1; ]; sh:property [ sh:path schema:worksFor ; sh:node :Company ; ] . :Company a sh:NodeShape ; sh:property [ sh:path schema:legalName ; sh:minCount 1; sh:maxCount 1; sh:datatype xsd:string ; ] ; sh:property [ sh:path schema:employee ; sh:minCount 1 ; sh:node :User ; ] .

The previous shapes are mutually recursive and again, the behavior of SHACL processors is undefined.

Avoiding recursion using target declarations

Target declarations can be used to avoid recursion by directly selecting which nodes we want to validate.

Example 139  Simulating recursion with targetClass

We can require that every node has a discriminating rdf:type declaration and replace sh:node by sh:class, i.e., we declare that the values of schema:knows are instances of :User.

:User a sh:NodeShape ; sh:targetClass :User ; sh:property [ sh:path schema:name ; sh:datatype xsd:string ; sh:minCount 1; sh:maxCount 1; ]; sh:property [ sh:path schema:birthDate ; sh:datatype xsd:date ; sh:maxCount 1; ]; sh:property [ sh:path schema:knows ; sh:class :User ; ].

Given the following data:

:alice a :User ; #Passes as a :User schema:name "Alice" ; schema:birthDate "1995-06-03"^^xsd:date; schema:knows :bob . :bob a :User ; #Passes as a :User schema:name "Robert" . :carol a :User ; #Passes as a :User schema:name "Carol" ; # Is it ok to pass? *) schema:knows :dave . :dave a :User ; #Fails as a :User schema:name 23 . # wrong value of schema:name *) :emily a :User ; #Fails as a :User schema:name "Emily" ; # wrong value of schema:knows*) schema:knows :frank .

A SHACL processor returns the following.

  • It validates that :alice and :bob conform to :User.
  • It returns a violation for :dave because the value of schema:name is not a xsd:string.
  • It also returns a violation for :emily because the value of schema:knows is not an instance of :User.
  • It does not return a violation for :carol because our only requirement is that the value of schema:knows is an instance of :User and :dave is declared to be an instance of :User (although it does not validate).

This approach has the advantage that it not only finds instances of class :User, but also instances of subclasses of :User. For example, if we declare:

:grace a :Teacher ; #Passes as a :User schema:name "Grace" ; schema:knows :heidi . :heidi a :Student ; #Passes as a :User schema:name "Heidi" . :Student rdfs:subClassOf :User . :Teacher rdfs:subClassOf :User .

The system would check that both :grace and :heidi conform to the :User shape.

Being able to validate future subclasses of a given class may be helpful if there are some unexpected changes in the hierarchy. Nevertheless, it also has the problem of requiring a discriminating rdf:type declaration for every instance which may not always be possible.

Another possibility is to use other target declarations such as sh:targetSubjectsOf or sh:targetObjectsOf.

Example 140  Simulating indirect recursion with target declarations

In order to simulate the model from Figure 138 we can declare that the subjects of schema:worksFor conform to :User and the objects to :Company; and the opposite for schema:employee.

:User a sh:NodeShape ; sh:targetSubjectsOf schema:worksFor ; sh:targetObjectsOf schema:employee ; sh:property [ sh:path schema:name ; sh:datatype xsd:string ; sh:minCount 1; sh:maxCount 1; ] . :Company a sh:NodeShape ; sh:targetSubjectsOf schema:employee ; sh:targetObjectsOf schema:worksFor ; sh:property [ sh:path schema:legalName ; sh:datatype xsd:string ; sh:minCount 1; sh:maxCount 1 ] ; sh:property [ sh:path schema:employee ; ] .
:alice schema:name "Alice" ; #Passes as a :User schema:worksFor :OneCompany . :bob schema:name "Robert" ; #Passes as a :User schema:worksFor :OneCompany . :carol schema:name 34 ; #Fails as a :User schema:worksFor :Something . # Wrong datatype for schema:name *) :OneCompany schema:legalName "One" ; #Passes as a :Company schema:employee :alice, :bob, :carol . :Something a :Company ; #Fails as a :Company schema:legalName 0 . # Wrong datatype for schema:name *)
Simulating recursion with property paths

SHACL property paths can be used to simulate recursion in some cases. The idea is combining sh:zeroOrMorePath with an auxiliary shape that defines the structure of the expected shape without recursion. The recursion is implicitly defined by the property path.

Example 141  Simulating recursion with property paths

Example 137 can be defined without recursion as:

:User a sh:NodeShape ; sh:property [ sh:path [ sh:zeroOrMorePath schema:knows ] ; sh:node :UserStructure ] . :UserStructure a sh:NodeShape ; sh:property [ sh:path schema:name ; sh:datatype xsd:string ; sh:minCount 1; sh:maxCount 1; ] ; sh:property [ sh:path schema:birthDate ; sh:datatype xsd:date ; sh:maxCount 1; ] .

Where :UserStructure is a non-recursive auxiliary shape that defines the structure of nodes conforming to :User. Figure 141 depicts the new model.

Figure 5.4: Simulating cyclic model with property paths.

Given the following data:

:alice schema:name "Alice" ; #Passes as a :User schema:birthDate "1995-06-03"^^xsd:date; schema:knows :bob . :bob schema:name "Robert" . #Passes as a :User :carol schema:name "Carol" ; #Fails as a :User schema:knows :dave . # wrong value of schema:knows*) :dave schema:name 23 . #Fails as a :User # wrong value of schema:name *) :emily schema:name "Emily" ; #Fails as a :User schema:knows :frank . # wrong value of schema:knows*)

A SHACL processor returns the following.

  • It checks that :alice and :bob conform to :User.
  • It returns violation errors for :carol, :dave and :emily. In this case, :carol fails to validate as expected.

Indirect recursion more tricky to simulate as it is difficult to determine the property path that can be used.

Example 142  Indirect recursion with property paths

Example 138 can also be simulated using a similar pattern. In this case, we use two non-recursive auxiliary shapes :UserStructure and :CompanyStructure that contain the plain properties. Shapes :User and :Company refer to them and capture recursion with property paths. The dependency from :User to :Company and back to :User is captured by the property path (schema:worksFor/schema:employee)* and similarly the other way around.

Figure 5.5: Simulating indirect recursion with property paths.

:User a sh:NodeShape ; sh:property [ sh:path [ sh:zeroOrMorePath (schema:worksFor schema:employee) ]; sh:node :UserStructure ] ; sh:property [ sh:path schema:worksFor ; sh:node :CompanyStructure ] . :UserStructure a sh:NodeShape; sh:property [ sh:path schema:name ; sh:datatype xsd:string ; sh:minCount 1; sh:maxCount 1; ] . :Company a sh:NodeShape ; sh:property [ sh:path [ sh:zeroOrMorePath (schema:employee schema:worksFor) ]; sh:node :CompanyStructure ] ; sh:property [ sh:path schema:employee ; sh:node :UserStructure ] . :CompanyStructure a sh:NodeShape ; sh:property [ sh:path schema:legalName ; sh:datatype xsd:string ; sh:minCount 1; sh:maxCount 1 ] .

The previous solution does not scale well for more involved data models were cycles can appear by different means. As an exercise, the reader can try to simulate the cyclic data model depicted in Figure 67 or the WebIndex data model from Figure 6.1.

5.12.2  Qualified Value Shapes

Qualified value shapes declare that a specified number of nodes conform to some shape. The shape is declared by the sh:qualifiedValueShape parameter and the parameters sh:qualifiedMinCount and sh:qualifiedMaxCount declare the minimum and maximum number of values of that shape.

A typical use case for qualified value shapes is to model repeated properties whose values must conform to different shapes. For example, a data model may contain the property sh:parent to represent the biological parent of a person and may want to define that one of the values is male and the other is female.

Example 143  Qualified value shapes example
:UserShape a sh:NodeShape; sh:targetClass :User ; sh:property [ sh:path schema:parent ; sh:qualifiedValueShape [ sh:path :isMale ; sh:hasValue true ] ; sh:qualifiedMinCount 1 ; sh:qualifiedMaxCount 1 ; ]; sh:property [ sh:path schema:parent ; sh:qualifiedValueShape [ sh:path :isFemale ; sh:hasValue true ] ; sh:qualifiedMinCount 1 ; sh:qualifiedMaxCount 1 ; ].

Given the following example:

:alice a :User; #Passes as a :UserShape schema:parent :bob, :carol . :bob a :User ; #Passes as a :UserShape :isMale true ; schema:parent [ :isMale true ] ; schema:parent [ :isFemale true ] . :carol :isFemale true . :dave a :User ; #Fails as a :UserShape schema:parent :emily, :frank . # :emily does not have :isMale true *) :emily a :User . #Fails as a :UserShape :frank :isFemale true . :gordon a :User ; #Passes as a :UserShape schema:parent [ :isMale true] ; schema:parent [ :isFemale true] ; schema:parent :heidi .

A SHACL processor checks that :alice, :bob, and :gordon conform to :UserShape but returns the following errors.

  • :dave does not conform to :UserShape because the number of values that satisfy the qualified value shape that checks that a parent is male is 0.
  • :emily does not conform to :UserShape because the number of values that satisfy the qualified value shapes that checks that a parent is male and the other is female is 0.

:gordon conforms to :UserShape but has three parents. If we want to further constraint that the number of biological parents must be exactly two, we can add:

:UserShape sh:property [ sh:path schema:parent ; sh:minCount 2 ; sh:maxCount 2 ].

In the shapes graph of example 143, there is no constraint the declares that the biological parents must not be male or female at the same time. Using the following data:

:oscar a :User ; #Passes as a :UserShape schema:parent :x . :x :isMale true; :isFemale true .

Node :oscar conforms to :UserShape which seems counter intuitive as it has a single parent that satisfies both being female and male at the same time. There are two solutions, the first one is to add the previous declaration that sh:minCount 2 and sh:maxCount 2 for property schema:parent. In this way, :oscar would not conform because it has only one parent. Another solution is to declare that the qualified value shapes are disjoint as follows.

Qualified value shapes contain a Boolean optional parameter sh:qualifiedValueShapesDisjoint. It it is true, then the value nodes must not conform to any of the sibling shapes. The default value is false.

Using this parameter, we could add the constraint that nodes that satisfy the female constraint are disjoint from nodes that satisfy the male constraint in the case of biological parents.24

:UserShape a sh:NodeShape; sh:targetClass :User ; sh:property [ sh:path schema:parent ; sh:qualifiedValueShape [ sh:path :isMale ; sh:hasValue true ] ; sh:qualifiedMinCount 1 ; sh:qualifiedMaxCount 1 ; sh:qualifiedValueShapesDisjoint true ]; sh:property [ sh:path schema:parent ; sh:qualifiedValueShape [ sh:path :isFemale ; sh:hasValue true ] ; sh:qualifiedMinCount 1 ; sh:qualifiedMaxCount 1 ; sh:qualifiedValueShapesDisjoint true ].

5.13  Closed Shapes

sh:closed can be used to specify the condition that nodes do not have triples with properties different than the ones that have been explicitly enumerated as a value of sh:path in any of the property shapes.

The value of sh:closed is a Boolean that only has effect if it is true (it is assumed to be false if not specified).

The parameter sh:ignoredProperties specifies a list of properties that are also permitted in addition to those enumerated by the value of sh:path in property shapes.

Table 5.9: Closed shapes
sh:closedValid resources must only have values for properties that appear as values of sh:path in property shapes.
sh:ignoredPropertiesList of predicates that are also permitted in addition to those that are explicitly enumerated

Example 144  Closed shapes

The following example declares that nodes conforming to :UserShape have only one property schema:name, zero or more properties schema:knows and are allowed to have extra values for property rdf:type.

:UserShape a sh:NodeShape ; sh:targetClass :User ; sh:closed true ; sh:ignoredProperties ( rdf:type ); sh:property [ sh:path schema:name ; sh:minCount 1 ; sh:maxCount 1; sh:datatype xsd:string ].

Given the following data:

:alice a :User ; #\Pass{:UserShape} *) schema:name "Alice" . :bob a :User, #\Pass{:UserShape} *) :Person ; schema:name "Robert" . :carol a :User ; #Fails as a :UserShape schema:name "Carol"; schema:cookTime 23 .

A SHACL processor will check that both :alice and :bob conform to :UserShape but will return the error:

  • :carol does not conform to :UserShape because it has an extra property schema:cookTime which is not allowed.

Note that sh:closed does not take into account SHACL property paths or constraints with sh:node, sh:and, sh:or , etc.

Example 145  Closed only accounts for top-level predicates

The following shape does not allow any property except from rdf:type and schema:name.

:UserShape a sh:NodeShape ; sh:targetClass :User ; sh:closed true ; sh:ignoredProperties ( rdf:type ); sh:property [ sh:path schema:name ; sh:datatype xsd:string; ] ; sh:property [ sh:path [sh:zeroOrOnePath schema:knows] ; sh:nodeKind sh:IRI; ] ; sh:node [ sh:property [ sh:path schema:worksFor ; sh:nodeKind sh:IRI; ] ] .

Given the following data:

:alice a :User ; #Passes as a :User schema:name "Alice" . :bob a :User ; #Fails as a :User schema:name "Robert" ; schema:knows :carol . :carol a :User ; #Fails as a :User schema:name "Carol" ; schema:worksFor :myCompany.

A SHACL processor:

  • Checks that :alice conforms to :User.
  • Fails for nodes :bob and :carol because they use properties schema:knows and schema:worksFor in a closed shape.

A solution is to add those predicates to the list of ignored properties:

:UserShape a sh:NodeShape ; sh:targetClass :User ; sh:closed true ; sh:ignoredProperties ( rdf:type schema:knows schema:worksFor ); sh:property [ sh:path schema:name ; sh:datatype xsd:string; ] ; sh:property [ sh:path [sh:zeroOrOnePath schema:knows] ; sh:nodeKind sh:IRI; ] ; sh:node [ sh:property [ sh:path schema:worksFor ; sh:nodeKind sh:IRI; ] ] .

An advice to use sh:closed is to enumerate all relevant properties as direct values of sh:path, or add them to the sh:ignoredProperties list.

5.14  Property Pair Constraints

Property pair constraints specify conditions in relation to other properties. These constraint components can only be used in property shapes. Table 5.10 lists the parameters that can be used to declare property pair constraints. All the predicates have a similar behavior, they compare pairs of values of the current and referenced property on the current focus node and check the condition.

Table 5.10: Property pair constraints
sh:equalsThe sets of values from both properties at a given focus node must be equal
sh:disjointThe sets of values from both properties at a given focus node must be different
sh:lessThanCurrent values must be smaller than another property values
sh:lessThanOrEqualsCurrent values must be smaller or equal than another property values

Example 146  Equality constraints example
:UserShape a sh:NodeShape ; sh:targetClass :User ; sh:property [ sh:path schema:givenName ; sh:equals foaf:firstName ]; sh:property [ sh:path schema:givenName ; sh:disjoint schema:lastName ] .

:alice a :User ; #Passes as a :UserShape schema:givenName "Alice"; schema:lastName "Cooper"; foaf:firstName "Alice" . :bob a :User ; #Fails as a :UserShape schema:givenName "Bob"; schema:lastName "Smith" ; foaf:firstName "Robert" . :carol a :User ; #Fails as a :UserShape schema:givenName "Carol"; schema:lastName "Carol" ; foaf:firstName "Carol" .

A SHACL processor checks that :alice conforms to :UserShape and returns the following errors.

  • :bob has a different value for foaf:firstName and schema:givenName.
  • :carol has the same value for schema:givenName and schema:lastName when they should be different.
Example 147  Value comparison example

The following example declares a :ConcertShape with three properties: schema:doorTime, schema:startDate, and schema:endDate whose values must have datatype xsd:dateTime and establishes the conditions that door time must be less or equals to start date, and start date must be before end date.

:ConcertShape a sh:NodeShape ; sh:targetClass :Concert ; sh:property [ sh:path schema:doorTime ; sh:datatype xsd:dateTime ; sh:lessThanOrEquals schema:startDate ; ]; sh:property [ sh:path schema:startDate ; sh:datatype xsd:dateTime ; sh:lessThan schema:endDate ]; sh:property [ sh:path schema:endDate ; sh:datatype xsd:dateTime ; ] .

Given the following data:

:concert1 a :Concert ; #Passes as a :ConcertShape schema:doorTime "2017-04-20T20:00:00"^^xsd:dateTime ; schema:startDate "2017-04-20T21:30:00"^^xsd:dateTime ; schema:endDate "2017-04-20T23:00:00"^^xsd:dateTime ; . :concert2 a :Concert ; #Passes as a :ConcertShape schema:doorTime "2018-04-20T20:00:00"^^xsd:dateTime ; schema:startDate "2017-04-20T21:00:00"^^xsd:dateTime ; schema:endDate "2017-04-20T21:00:00"^^xsd:dateTime ; .

A SHACL processor checks that :concert1 conforms to :ConcertShape and reports the following.

  • The value of schema:doorTime must be less than or equal to the value of schema:startDate in :concert2.
  • The value of schema:startDate must be less than the value of schema:endDate in :concert2.

5.15  Non-validating SHACL Properties

SHACL introduces several properties that are not intended for validation and are ignored during the validation process. These properties are intended for documentation or declarative User Interface (form) building and are listed in Table 5.11.

Table 5.11: Property pair constraints
sh:equalsThe sets of values from both properties at a given focus node must be equal
sh:disjointThe sets of values from both properties at a given focus node must be different
sh:lessThanCurrent values must be smaller than another property values
sh:lessThanOrEqualsCurrent values must be smaller or equal than another property values

Example 148  Non-validating SHACL properties

The following example declares a :UserShape with several property shapes.

:UserShape a sh:NodeShape ; sh:property [ sh:path schema:familyName ; sh:name "family Name"; sh:description "Family name. In the U.S., the last name of an Person"; sh:order 2 ; sh:group :nameGroup ] ; sh:property [ sh:path schema:givenName ; sh:name "Given name"; sh:description "Given name. In the U.S., the first name of a Person"; sh:order 1 ; sh:group :nameGroup ; ]; sh:property [ sh:path schema:streetAddress ; sh:name "Street address"; sh:order 5 ; sh:group :addressGroup ] ; sh:property [ sh:path schema:addressCountry ; sh:name "Country"; sh:defaultValue "Spain" ; sh:order 6 ; sh:group :addressGroup ] . :nameGroup a sh:PropertyGroup ; rdfs:label "Name" . :addressGroup a sh:PropertyGroup ; rdfs:label "Address" .

An application could generate a web form like the one in Figure 148.

Figure 5.6: Possible form generated from a shapes graph.


The SHACL recommendation was divided in two parts: SHACL Core and SHACL-SPARQL. SHACL Core (which was discussed until now in this chapter) was designed so it could be implemented without the need of an underlying SPARQL processor. It contains what was considered the most frequent constraint components. However, there will be use cases where some extra features will be necessary to express more complex constraints. To that end, SHACL-SPARQL contains an extension mechanism that enables the definition of other constraints using SPARQL.

SHACL Core processors are not required to support SHACL-SPARQL. However, SHACL-SPARQL processors must support SHACL Core.

A working group note has also proposed to define a similar extension mechanism using Javascript.25

5.16.1  SPARQL Constraints

sh:sparql associates a shape with a SPARQL based constraint that declares the SPARQL query to evaluate.

SPARQL-based constraints are nodes of type sh:SPARQLConstraint that can have the following properties.

Example 149  SPARQL constraint example

The following shape declares that nodes conforming to :UserShape have the constraint that schema:name must be equal to the concatenation of schema:givenName and schema:familyName.

:UserShape a sh:NodeShape ; sh:targetClass :User ; sh:sparql [ a sh:SPARQLConstraint ; sh:message "schema:name must equal schema:givenName+schema:familyName"; sh:prefixes [ sh:declare [ sh:prefix "schema" ; sh:namespace ""^^xsd:anyURI ; ] ] ; sh:select """SELECT $this (schema:name AS ?path) (?name as ?value) WHERE { $this schema:name ?name . $this schema:givenName ?givenName . $this schema:familyName ?familyName . FILTER (!isLiteral(?value) || !isLiteral(?givenName) || !isLiteral(?familyName) || concat(str(?givenName), ' ', str(?familyName))!=?name ) }""" ; ] .

Given the following data:

:alice a :User ; #Passes as a :UserShape schema:givenName "Alice" ; schema:familyName "Cooper" ; schema:name "Alice Cooper" . :bob a :User ; #Fails as a :UserShape schema:givenName "Bob" ; schema:familyName "Smith" ; schema:name "Robert Smith" .

A SHACL processor checks that :alice conforms to :UserShape and returns the error:

  • :bob does not conform to :UserShape because values of schema:name must be equal to the concatenation of schema:givenName and schema:familyName.

5.16.2  SPARQL-based Constraint Components

SHACL-SPARQL also contains the possibility to declare reusable constraint components. Once defined, they can be used just like the other built-in SHACL Core components, without the need to write SPARQL.

SHACL constraint components are defined by declaring the list of parameters and associating them with validators. Those validators are usually declared in SPARQL, although there is a WG note for allowing Javascript-based validations (see section 5.20).

The properties that can be used to define constraint components are the following.

Example 150  SPARQL constraint component example

The following code declares a SPARQL constraint component that checks that an RDF list given as a value, has a fixed length.

:FixedListConstraintComponent a sh:ConstraintComponent ; rdfs:label "Fixed list constraint component" ; sh:parameter [ sh:path :size ; sh:name "Size of list" ; sh:description "The size of the list" ; ] ; sh:labelTemplate "Size of values: \"{$size}\"" ; sh:propertyValidator [ a sh:SPARQLSelectValidator ; sh:message "{$PATH} must have length {?size}, not {?count}" ; sh:prefixes [ sh:declare [ sh:prefix "rdf" ; sh:namespace "" ] ] ; sh:select """ SELECT $this ?value $count WHERE { $this $PATH ?value . { { SELECT $this ?value (COUNT(?member) AS ?count) $size WHERE { ?value rdf:rest*/rdf:first ?member } GROUP BY $this ?value $size } FILTER (!isBlank(?value) || ?count != $size) } }""" ]

A property shape can be declared as:

.:ProductShape a sh:NodeShape ; sh:targetClass :Product ; sh:property [ sh:path :color ; :size 3 ; sh:minCount 1 ] .

Given the following data:

:p1 a :Product ; #Passes as a :Product :color (255 0 255) . :p2 a :Product ; #Fails as a :Product :knows ( :x :y ) ; :color (255 0 210 345) . :p3 a :Product ; #Fails as a :Product :color 3 . :p4 a :Product . #Fails as a :Product

A SHACL processor would validate that :p1 conforms to :Product but would report the following errors.

  • For :p2 the error message ":color must have length 3, not 4".
  • For :p3 the error message ":color must have length 3, not 0".
  • For :p4 the message that sh:minCount failed because there are no values for property :color.

Notice that the following example, although similar in effect, is not a valid shape definition:

:ProductShape a sh:NodeShape ; sh:targetObjectsOf :color ; :size 3 .

The reason is that a sh:nodeValidator is not defined for the :FixedListConstraintComponent and a SHACL-SPARQL processor does not know how to execute the :size parameter in this context. A solution would be to define both a property and a node validator, or define one ASK-based validator.

5.17  SHACL and Inference Systems

SHACL uses some parts of the RDF Schema and OWL vocabularies, but full RDF Schema or OWL inference is not required.

SHACL processors may support different entailment regimes which are defined in the same way as for SPARQL. An entailment regime is identified by an IRI and defines the kind of inference a processor will do to the data graph. A shapes graph that contains a triple with predicate sh:entailment and value E indicates that it requires entailment E. If a SHACL processor does not support entailment E, it will return an error.

Some values for the property sh:entailment are described in Table 5.12.

Table 5.12: Some entailment regimes
IRIName Schema 2 direct semantics

Example 151  Example with entailment

The following shapes graph declares a :Teacher shape as someone that has property :teaches with a value that is an instance of :Course and has rdf:type with value :Person. It also requires RDF Schema entailment.

<> sh:entailment <> . :Teacher a sh:NodeShape, rdfs:Class ; sh:property [ sh:path :teaches ; sh:class :Course ; sh:minCount 1 ]; sh:property [ sh:path rdf:type ; sh:qualifiedValueShape [ sh:hasValue :Person ; ] ; sh:minCount 1 ] .

Given the following data:

:alice a :Teacher, #Passes as a :Teacher with RDFS entailment :Person ; #Passes as a :Teacher without RDFS entailment :teaches :algebra . :bob a :Teacher ; #Passes as a :Teacher with RDFS entailment :teaches :logic . #Fails as a :Teacher without RDFS entailment :carol a :Teacher ; #Passes as a :Teacher with RDFS entailment :teaches :algebra . #Passes as a :Teacher without RDFS entailment # It uses SHACL instances *) :algebra a :Course . :teaches rdfs:range :Course . :teaches rdfs:domain :Teacher . :Teacher rdfs:subClassOf :Person .
  • :alice conforms to teacher with or without RDFS entailment, because it has rdf:type :Person and it :teaches :algebra, and :algebra has rdf:type :Course.
  • :bob only conforms if RDF Schema entailment is performed, because it infers that it has rdf:type :Person and that :logic rdf:type :Course. Without RDF Schema entailment it fails.
  • :carol conforms to :Teacher even without RDF Schema entailment activated and even if it does not have rdf:type :Person. The reason is that it is a SHACL instance of :Person (see Section 5.7.2).

Although SHACL does not require inference, it has a special treatment for the properties rdfs:subClassOf, rdf:type and owl:imports.

5.18  SHACL Compact Syntax

A SHACL compact syntax has been suggested for a subset of SHACL inspired by ShEx compact syntax.26 Although it was not published as a working group note, it is expected that further development will be done in the context of the W3C SHACL community group.

Given the temporary status, the following description may differ from the final compact syntax that is published.

Example 152  SHACL example using compact syntax

Example 94 could be written in SHACL compact syntax as:

:UserShape -> :User { IRI . schema:name xsd:string [1..1] . schema:gender in = [schema:Male schema:Female] [1..1] . schema:birthDate xsd:date [0..1] . schema:knows :User }

The operator -> declares a sh:targetClass and the dot operator . separates the different constraint components.

5.19  SHACL Rules and Advanced Features

The Data Shapes Working Group published a note called SHACL Advanced Features (27). It defines the following language constructs.

At the time of this writing, there are no implementation reports for the advanced SHACL features. We showcase the SPARQL-based targets and the SHACL rules with examples and point the reader to the working group note for further reference.

Example 153  SPARQL-based target declarations

The following shape declares a target that selects only instances of :Teacher that teach algebra.

:AlgebraTeacher a sh:NodeShape ; sh:target [ a sh:SPARQLTarget ; sh:prefixes [ sh:declare ":" ; sh:namespace ""; ] ; sh:select """ SELECT ?this WHERE { ?this a :Teacher . ?this :teaches :Algebra .} """ ; ] ; sh:property [ sh:path :field ; sh:hasValue :Mathematics ; ] .

Given the following data:

:alice a :Teacher ; #Passes as a :AlgebraTeacher :teaches :algebra ; :field :Mathematics . :bob a :Teacher ; #Fails as a :AlgebraTeacher :teaches :algebra . # No value for :field *) :carol a :Teacher ; # Ignored :teaches :logic .

A SHACL processor with SPARQL-based target support checks that :alice conforms to :AlgebraTeacher shape and signals the error.

  • :bob does not have value :Mathematics for :field property.
  • :bob is ignored although it does not have :field property, because it is not selected by the SPARQL target.
Example 154  SHACL rules example

The following shape defines a rule that states that users with a value for the property :teaches are instances of :Teacher.

:User a sh:NodeShape ; sh:targetClass :User sh:rule [ a sh:TripleRule ; sh:subject sh:this ; sh:predicate rdf:type ; sh:object :Teacher ; sh:condition [ sh:property [ sh:path :teaches ; sh:minCount 1 ; ] ; ] .

Given the following data:

:alice a :User ; :teaches :algebra . :bob a :User ; :teaches :logic . :carol a :User ; :attends :algebra .

A SHACL rules engine will infer the following RDF triples:

:alice a :Teacher . :bob a :Teacher .
  • :carol does not get an inferred triple because it does not have a value for :teaches.

5.20  SHACL Javascript

SHACL Javascript (SHACL-JS)28 was published as a Working Group Note to enable the definition of constraint components in Javascript. It is also intended to express advanced features like custom targets, fuctions and rules in Javascript.

SHACL-JS is similar to SHACL-SPARQL but for Javascript instead of SPARQL. The basic idea is that shapes can point to JavaScript functions available at some URL that can be resolved from the Web. When shapes get evaluated, a SHACL-JS engine calls those functions and constructs validation results from the results obtained by these calls. The Javascript code can access the RDF triples available in the data and shapes graphs through a Javascript API.

Note that at the time of this writing, there are no implementation reports for SHACL JS (the following code is speculative).

Example 155  Javascript-based constraint example Assuming the following Javascript function is defined in
function isOddNumber($value) { if($value.isLiteral()) { return $value.lex

and given the following shape:

2 == 1 } else { return false; } :VotingCommittee a sh:NodeShape ; sh:targetClass :VotingCommittee ; sh:property [ sh:path :numberOfVoters ; sh:js [ a sh:JSConstraint ; sh:message "Number of voters must be odd to avoid ties" ; sh:jsLibrary [ sh:jsLibraryURL "" ] ; sh:jsFunctionName "isOddNumber" ; ] ] .

With the following data:

:JuryCommittee a :VotingCommittee; #Passes as a :VotingCommittee :numberOfVoters 7 . :CityCommittee a :VotingCommittee; #Fails as a :VotingCommittee :numberOfVoters 8 .

A SHACL-JS processor:

  • checks that :JuryCommittee conforms to :VotimgCommittee; and
  • returns a violation error for :CityCommittee with the message "Number of voters must be odd to avoid ties."

5.21  Summary

5.22  Suggested Reading

The example differs in the avoidance of recursion for SHACL. See Section 5.12.1.
This example is similar to ShEx Example 35.
Technically, it is the lexical form of literals or the codepoint representation of IRIs.
This example is the same as Example 75 for ShEx.
Notice that forcing this condition in general may not always be desirable in some contexts.

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